Small Changes. Big Results.

Welcome to Chief Rabbit. Start here.

Ever feel like you're drowning in to-do lists?

You struggle to find the balance between getting things done and staying sane? I've been there. That's why I created Chief Rabbit – to help you turn small changes into remarkable outcomes.

I'm Derek, Chief Product Officer at Sporcle by day (yes, trivia is a real job) and your guide to better systems, habits, and mindsets by night. Each week, I share practical wisdom about:

  • Creating smarter systems that stick

  • Leading with empathy and purpose

  • Finding calm in the chaos

  • Building better habits (without the burnout)

  • Turning mental models into real-world results

Think of this newsletter as your weekly dose of actionable insights, delivered in bite-sized pieces that take just 5-10 minutes to read. No productivity porn, no hustle culture – just practical strategies that actually work.

Why is it called Chief Rabbit?

One of my favorite books is Watership Down by Richard Adams. I revisit it every few months. There is a scene where Bigwig is fighting Woundwart in the warren and he says “My Chief Rabbit has told me to stay and defend this run, and until he says otherwise, I shall stay here” gets me every time. So between this somewhat personal connection and my CPO title, this all seemed to fit.

What You'll Get:

  • Weekly insights that blend mental models with real-world application

  • Practical systems you can implement immediately

  • Stories that make complex ideas simple and actionable

  • A blend of productivity, mindset shifts, and life optimization

  • Zero fluff, just stuff that works

I reserve the right to include other "slices of life” topics. So, what does all this look like, you ask?

The best way to find out is to subscribe.

But here are a couple of examples. Early on, I went into detail on how to really achieve want you want, you need to put systems over goals. Before that, I wrote about the 2 Minute Rule—if a task takes less than two minutes to complete, do it immediately.

Anyway, thanks for reading. More than anything, I hope you find value in Chief Rabbit. Life is about learning, and I look forward to learning with you.

Ready to make some changes? Let's take that first little leap together.

Oh, and if you subscribe, I'll send you my super handy dandy productivity guide - "Five Ways to Get Things Done No One Ever Talks About." It's free and, like I said, super handy dandy.